A Mission to Save Lives from a Horrific Fur and Urine Farm
Pilots To The Rescue took to the air to transport 8 survivors from this farm — 4 foxes & 4 wolf-dog hybrids. These animals were among hundreds found in cramped, filthy cages enduring unimaginable pain and suffering. Thanks to Humane World for Animals (formerly the Humane Society of the United States) and dedicated rescuers, these animals were saved. But rescue is just the beginning; the flight on March 17 was their next step toward healing and safety.
PTTR volunteer Pilots MacKenzie & Paul flew these survivors from Zanesville, OH to Sarasota, FL, where they will find refuge at Elmira’s Wildlife Sanctuary and receive specialized care. Be sure to share this story because the world needs to know about this industry and the heroes working to stop it. You can learn more about this case HERE.
We had the profound honor of transporting this beautiful red fox (picture below), one of the survivors from this fur & urine farm. Found among hundreds of animals suffering in cramped, filthy cages, this fox endured unimaginable fear and desperation —all for the sake of fashion.
Foxes like this one are bred and confined in wire-floored cages, deprived of basic care and natural behaviors.
They suffer from extreme stress, often leading to self-mutilation and cannibalism.
In the end, they are killed for their fur—often by electrocution or gassing—just to create coats, trims, and accessories.
Please help us spread awareness so more people support cruelty-free fashion. Many brands are now embracing alternatives like faux fur made from recycled plastics and plant-based materials. No animal should suffer for fashion. Together, we can end the fur trade and ensure that all animals like this beautiful red fox live free from harm.
A very special thank you to everyone for being part of this mission which will give these animals the future they deserve. Some missions stay with you long after the flight is over and this will certainly be one of those missions. It was a tough day, it was also a beautiful one… because we were their lifeline to freedom.
Image credit: Pilots To The Rescue and Meredith Lee/Humane World for Animals