Road Trip with a 6 Pack!

March 14, 2025

Road Trip with a 6 Pack!

We received the call late Wednesday night and early Thursday morning, our ground transport extraordinaire, Albert hit the road headed to Manassas, Virginia.  The call — six incredible dogs needed our help so of course we dropped everything to make it happen. In collaboration with Seuk's Army, our team drove these dogs from Manassas, Virginia to Live & Let Live Farm in New Hampshire, where they are sure to find their new, forever homes.

These last-minute missions take quick action, coordination, and resources, and we can’t do it without your support.  The dogs we saved were named Peanut, Rocco, Baker, Cinnamon, Ralph, & Keith.  All of them were big, lovable pups who deserve a second chance.  It was time to get these dogs home and we were happy to be a part of the journey!


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