Early one Saturday morning in January, Pilots to the Rescue Top Dog Pilot Michael Schneider and co-pilot Daniel Baumel took to the skies headed for St. Mary's County Regional Airport in California, Maryland. There they met Glori and Christine from Pittsylvania Pet Center and THIRTY (yes 30!) adorable, adoptable felines in need of homes.
As you can see from the video below, the 30 cats were loaded into the new Pilots to the Rescue Piper PA-32R-301T for the 4+ hour flight to Maine. Touching down shortly after 2 p.m., the PTTR team quickly met up with the representatives from the Animal Refuge League of Portland who had been anxiously awaiting their arrival. By late Saturday night all 30 were settled in at ARLPG and getting some much-needed rest after their incredible journey. It won't be long before they're meeting the new families whose homes they call their own.
For information on adopting, contact Animal Rescue League of Greater Portland via their website or find them on Facebook. Some of the cats were transferred to the Animal Welfare Society of Kennebuck, Maine.
As you can see from the video below, the 30 cats were loaded into the new Pilots to the Rescue Piper PA-32R-301T for the 4+ hour flight to Maine. Touching down shortly after 2 p.m., the PTTR team quickly met up with the representatives from the Animal Refuge League of Portland who had been anxiously awaiting their arrival. By late Saturday night all 30 were settled in at ARLPG and getting some much-needed rest after their incredible journey. It won't be long before they're meeting the new families whose homes they call their own.
For information on adopting, contact Animal Rescue League of Greater Portland via their website or find them on Facebook. Some of the cats were transferred to the Animal Welfare Society of Kennebuck, Maine.