How to Help Your Pet Settle Into a New Living Environment

How to Help Your Pet Settle Into a New Living Environment
How to Help Your Pet Settle Into a New Living Environment

by Cindy Aldridge, guest contributor

Moving can be a difficult process for humans and pets alike. Whether you’ve had your pet for many years or have recently adopted them, it’s essential that you take steps to help them settle comfortably into their new living environment. From prioritizing their health to providing them with a routine to ensuring they are cared for on moving day, here are some practical tips for helping your pet adjust to a new home:

Remember their health.

Moving takes a lot of your time and energy, but it’s essential not to forget about your pet’s health in the process. Along with taking the time to exercise and play with your pet, make sure that they are eating quality food. Especially if you have a puppy, a nutritious diet can boost their muscle development, brain health, and vision, among other things. It’s best to choose food that is full of lean protein and free of empty carbs. The same applies for treats; you want to make sure you select the cleanest and healthiest options. Additionally, if your pet has any issues with inflammation or anxiety, CBD treats can possibly help alleviate these issues.

Maintain consistency.

Few things will be consistent during the moving process, but it’s important to provide your pet with some consistency along the way. Per Pet Coach, lack of routine can lead to anxiety and stress in pets when they are in a home that they’re used to. When they are moved to a new home, that anxiety and stress can be intensified. Try to maintain the same playtimes, mealtimes, and potty times with your pet during your move.

Show them extra love.

Showing love and affection is always necessary when it comes to pets. However, when they are trying to settle into a new environment, it becomes essential. Even though you will be busy, try to spend a little extra time with your pet as they become acclimated. Take them for an extra walk, play with them a little longer, talk to them, and shower them with hugs and kisses throughout the day.

Stay home for the first few days.

One way to ensure that you can spend some extra time with your pet and keep their routine intact is to stay home once you move in. While a week would be ideal, try to stay home for at least a few days if that isn’t practical. This might mean taking off work or working from home, as well as postponing other events. But doing so will go a long way in providing your pet with a sense of security.

Have someone watch your pet on moving day.

Moving day will most likely be very busy for you, and having your pet alongside you may not be the best idea. Not only will it add more responsibilities than you already have, but the moving of boxes and large items can cause pets severe anxiety. Ask a family member or friend to watch your pet that day, and come back to them once your moving duties are finished. If a family member or friend is not available, look for a reputable pet sitter in your area.

Make sure they have a bag packed.

Lastly, be sure to pack your pet a bag of essentials for moving day, whether they are with you or being watched by someone else. This bag should include basic necessities like food, treats, and safety equipment (e.g., collar, harness, leash, etc.). And pack any items that will help them stay comfortable throughout the moving process, such as their favorite blanket and toys.

Make your move as easy as possible for your pet. Be sure to keep their health in mind, try to keep consistency, and give them lots of love and affection. Also, plan to stay home for at least a few days after you move in, arrange for your pet to be watched on moving day, and pack them a bag of essential items. Preparing for your pet to have a comfortable moving experience will do wonders for helping them settle into their new home quickly.


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