Caring for Critters: Get Involved in Looking After Unwanted Pets

Caring for Critters: Get Involved in Looking After Unwanted Pets

Here at Pilots To The Rescue, we’re dedicated to helping the huge amounts of abandoned or unwanted pets living in shelters or roaming the streets nationwide. If you want to get involved and do your part for animals in the local area, there are a few key points to bear in mind – here are some for your attention.


Before you get stuck in with local charities or your own personal projects, it’s important to carry out some prior research – this will help you better understand the responsibilities you’d be taking on and the nature of animal welfare.


If you’ve made up your mind to get involved and volunteer, there are a few key steps to ensure that you go through this process the right way.

Additional Ways To Help

Beyond volunteering, there are plenty of additional ways to advocate for or directly help our nation’s unwanted pets.

When it comes to abandoned or neglected pets, we need all the help we can get. If you can dedicate your time, you can make a profound difference in your community.

Pilots To The Rescue (PTTR) is a non-profit, volunteer-driven, 501c3 public benefit aviation organization. PTTR’s mission is to transport domestic and endangered animals as well as people at risk. Learn more at:


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