Rocket and Jackie's Incredible Story

Rocket and Jackie's Incredible Story
The average rescue involves volunteer transportation through our network of local pilots but this rescue was different. Rocket and Jackie, the two dogs that were rescued, not only were adopted as a result of relocation but they also got to live in luxury during their flight. That’s right! These lucky pups experienced a private jet rescue! This is the very first, and hopefully not the last time Pilots to the Rescue had a corporate airline volunteer their services. Imagine how many more rescues could happen if more companies like Turnberry Associates were to get involved.


Older dogs like Rocket and Jackie often find themselves in shelters where the likelihood of being adopted is very low. The Humane Society of Miami was the temporary home for these two pups and the team in Florida knew the only way to find the dogs a home was to get them out of the shelter. That is where their journey began.

The destination? Canada.

The Coastal K9 Shelter in Nova Scotia to be exact. It was quite the exciting journey for these dogs too. They endured multiple stops and stays at various boarding facilities along the way up the east coast. They even got to experience a flight in a private jet where they met David Blaine. A private flight and a celebrity? Yes! We believe our rescue dogs deserve the best of the best during transport. In fact, during the flight with Turnberry Associates, the dogs were able to wander freely instead of being in their cages. This flight took the dogs from Miami (Opa-lopa Executive Airport) to Teterboro, New Jersey.



After the dogs stepped off their luxurious jet, Transporters Without Borders were there to help them to their destination in Canada. Sylvia, Director and Coordinator of Transporters Without Borders, told us that Jackie was a bit shy on the trip but Rocket was full of energy. “He certainly doesn't seem to be 10 years old!”, she says. Because the flight got in later than expected, the boarding facility that was going foster Rocket and Jackie, had already closed. Fortunately, our friends associated with the private jet (Brooke Soffer) knew a family in NYC that could foster the dogs. The Welch family gladly volunteered their Manhattan home for the two pups and thanks to them, Rocket and Jackie were one step closer to their destination.

The first stop after New York was the Eagle K9 Academy in Bethany, CT. Rocket and Jackie stayed the night under the care of the outstanding father and son team who run the academy. They have such a soft spot for rescue dogs that the son and his wife adopted Jackie!



From there, Rocket made his way further up the coast with the help of Yvette from the transportation team. He stayed the night at Shantel’s Waggin’ Tails just over the border and the next day made it to the rescue in Nova Scotia. He has recently been adopted by a loving family.



Everyone who was part of this journey from David Blaine and Turnberry Associates to Transporters without Borders and all of the boarding facilities deserves the biggest thanks. Without volunteering your services, this rescue may not have happened. The plane used to transport from Miami to New Jersey is owned by Turnberry Associates.

About Turnberry Associates:

Turnberry Associates is one of America's premier real estate development and property management companies. Founded more than 50 years ago, the company’s diverse projects have revolutionized the living, working, leisure and shopping habits of millions of people across the country.

Turnberry Associates has to its credit the development of more than $8 billion in commercial and residential property including approximately 20 million square feet of retail space, more than 7,000 apartments and condominium units, 1.5 million square feet of class “A” office space and in excess of 3,000 hotel and resort rooms.  The company's diverse residential, hospitality, retail and commercial projects have received accolades for revolutionizing the living, working, leisure and shopping habits of millions of people across the country. From Turnberry Ocean Colony, Porto Vita, Aventura Mall, Turnberry Ocean Club, Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach and Turnberry Isle Resort in Aventura to signature properties in Las Vegas, Washington D.C. and the Bahamas, Turnberry Associates is known for superb quality and impeccable service.


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