Saving Lives with Constantine Maroulis

Saving Lives with Constantine Maroulis

On a sunny Tuesday in January, Pilots to the Rescue Top Dog Pilot Michael Schneider took off headed for North Carolina to pick up a dozen deserving canines in need of help. He was accompanied on this trip by former American Idol contestant and Tony nominee Constantine Maroulis. In North Carolina, Michael and Constantine met up with Maverick Rescue & Transport to pick up their passengers - all homeless with few options - for the 2-1/2 hour flight to safety in New Jersey with representatives from A New Chance Animal Rescue.

Of the 12 passengers, Izzy, Genevia, Berlin, Lisbon, Vienna, Dublin, Kiev, Oslo, and Tallinn have all been adopted and are already living life to the fullest with their new families. But George, Rosie, and Sadie still need someone to love. If you're in the New York area, won't you consider opening your home to one of these adorable pups?

  • George (left) is the cutest 10 week old All American blend - part Golden, part Shar Pei and part Pit. He is intelligent, eager to please and a quick learner. George’s sister has already been adopted, and George is waiting his turn. Find out more about George on the A New Chance website.

  • Rosie (center) is an adorable 8 month old Terrier mix. Rosie suffered terribly with “puppy mange” and severe secondary skin infections from being left untreated. She is healing nicely, almost finished her medication and her fur is growing in beautifully. Rosie is available for adoption, too.

  • Sadie (right) is a 2 year old, badly underweight and malnourished hound mix. A New Chance reports that her appetite is good and she is currently eating three meals a day in her foster home. She has already gained 8 lbs! Sadie is available for adoption. Find out more from the A New Chance website.


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